AleXander is 6 months today. This was taken today to commemorate the event. He's not crawling yet, but he gets around plenty! He loves to roll! Roll roll roll roll roll roll roll. He is also so inquisitive of how he looks interested in other objects and how he reaches for them.
Magazine Goofing
While taking some 6-month snapshots of the baby, Mikelle and I were also cutting out facial features from magazines as part of today's art lesson. She began to play around with them and one of them was pretty scary! There's too much of a realistic appearance it gave!
Then she tried to get AleXander involved. It was a little more difficult concerning his tenacity to reach up and grab things.
And before we close this entry to move on to today's art lesson, we have to end with this "moment of Chritian" from two nights ago.
Christian: Mom! Mom! Mom!
Me: What?!
Christian: Your Ipod is fully charged.
Me: Thanks. So are you.
Ha! That is kind of creepy.