Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Festival Photos, Tornadoes, Tears and Turkey!

How's that for a weird combination?! First of all, in honor of the new Muppet movie starting today and Thanksgiving tomorrow, see image to the left. :-)

Onto the festival. It was quite the experience and I hope enough people that took one of my postcards and saw my array of prints are interested enough to return to Sundust Gallery or contact me. As for selling things on the spot at the festival, that wasn't very successful at all. I wasn't the only artisan who had little to no success. I can accept that. However, what I have a hard time accepting is the gust of wind that took the glass out of my London-Paris-New York Triptych:

Pictured Pre-Wind
Therefore, this triptych is not available inside Sundust yet because it's having the glass fixed.

Then, if that wasn't enough, a second gust of wind blew this (below) down and broke the frame. I put an 8x8 Sun print in a 12x12 frame for display purposes and the second gust of wind took that out. The print survived.

Pictured while the frame was still intact.

I will admit that the wind damage is what kind of pushed me from being strong about the little success to all out exhaustion and visible frustration. It was something like an "Injury to Insult" situation. Okay, I didn't really sell much and traffic was slow. Okay. That happens. But the gust of wind to destroy stuff? Seriously?

Other Festival Pictures:

Sundust Gallery pictured from Main Street
One of my large Circle Motifs in the window:

My Largest Circle Motif at my booth. The second gust of wind that killed my Sun frame did knock this over, but thankfully it was saved:

My Sun Motif poster:

My other work inside Sundust:
Luckily, preparing for the festival had me gather up an inventory of prints to provide to the basement outlet at Sundust.

Tornado Boy
You would think the gusts of wind from the festival was the "tornado" part of this entry. Actually, that had nothing to do with it, but it does make for an interested segway.

I've often referred to Christian as my "Tornado Boy". So who would have thought
that my Tornado Boy would have to dress like a "Tornado" for the 2nd Grade Weather Show yesterday! His whole class was all "windblown" in appearance and had leaves put in their hair! Other 2nd Grade classes represented other conditions like sunglasses for sunny weather, warm scarves and hats for cold weather, etc.

Yessterday didn't only mark Christian's tornado experience, but also AleXander turned 11 months. And it was also the day he officially walked. Sure, for the last little while he's taken 1-2 pseudo steps. But yesterday he took 10 consecutive steps. Yes, I cried.

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