This one is a fun angle. I'll make them do it again when they're 18!
Spring Break Part I - Birthday Celebrations!
The kids have Spring Break for 2 weeks, while I only have it for one, the second week of the kids' Spring Break. Therefore, Mikelle spent a couple days with her friend Katie this week. On Christian's birthday on 3/17, we decided to get Mikelle back via "Red Robin" (yummmm!) so we could have an impromptu celebration, even though we'll officially celebrate it today.
Liz helping Christian with his birthday balloons.
Mikelle and Katie - BFF's! They've known each other since they were 3 and 4 years old!
Alexander (age 12 weeks) in his Green Monster Jammies on St. Patricks Day/Christian's Birthday. And no, he cannot sit up on his own yet. Daddy and the doggie are helping.
We went to the bowling alley today because that's what Christian said he wanted to do to celebrate it. His friend Corbin came along as well as his Aunt Kariann and his new cousin Skylar. As you can see, the babies got into the bowling:
No really - they did! See?
Boys being boys! Christian, Alexander and Corbin.
And I think Christian really likes the present he opened from his Aunt Kariann and Grammy!
Kariann holding Alexander.
And my almost 3-month old can bowl already!
(and before And before anyone freaks...NO... he's NOT really holding the ball, and my hand was away for a millisecond while Chris took the picture. No babies were harmed in the taking of this picture....)
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